Friday, February 8, 2013

Estate - What a $50 Parking Ticket Looks Like

Drove 40+ miles roundtrip to another overpriced estate sale. You'll see, all I found was; 3 Turi "Market" mugs by Figgjo Flint of Norway SOLD. A large Starbucks Seattle mug and a small wood wren sculpture SOLD. But the crowning glory was a $50 parking ticket cause the douche-bag neighbors called "The Fuzz."

Passed on a small service of the above "Market" for $85 (forgot to photo). It was hard but I find Figgjo a slow selling and I wasn't feeling inclined to piece it all out to make a profit (the prices were making me grumpy). I regret it now cause it was soooo pretty.

Also passed on a slightly rusty Curtis Jere "Birds in Flight" for $300 a local dealer picked it up afterwards.

The chairs to this dining set (see below) were of interest to me - sorta in the market but at least one of the chairs had a seat rip and the table top had a few big water rings. Also noticed the the chairs legs looked as if they had been sitting in water as they had a weird pale white stain crawling up the legs. Too rich for me at $1600.

Liked the $160 angel print but it was already sold to the local dealer who bought almost everything that was decent - with those prices I would have passed even if I had first pick.

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