Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mom's Finds

Mom gave me her recent thrift and estate finds. My favorite has to be the Arabia "Pomona" strawberry and elderberry jam jars found at thrift. They are missing the lids (though cork replacements would work) these lovelies bases are chippy with a thrift chip thrown in there for luck. SOLD

Four Georges Briard sailboats glasses in very nice shape. SOLD 

Mom got me some Tupperware cups but I need the large sizes now. Cute little mustard jar with lid made in England. SOLD

Starbucks green Bodom french press. Must an older one cause it's made in Switzerland. Bodom sugar, creamer, mugs, coasters and spoons for some reason I love these and have a ton of them. Pair of over the top 22K gold Culver glass "Coronet" cruets SOLD. Plastic box full of coasters. Thanks Mom!